I have my Xbox 360 connected to my PC wirelessly. I had it set up so that I
could view my vieos, etc., that were on my PC with no problems. Most are on
an external drive. A week or so ago I shut off my external drives to let
everything cool down, and now my 360 won't recognize the external drives. It
still gives me the option for any files on my internal HD, but the external
ones do not show up in either the "Videos" section, or "Media Center". They
are all there, however, if I go into Windows Media Player or Media Center on
my PC.
could view my vieos, etc., that were on my PC with no problems. Most are on
an external drive. A week or so ago I shut off my external drives to let
everything cool down, and now my 360 won't recognize the external drives. It
still gives me the option for any files on my internal HD, but the external
ones do not show up in either the "Videos" section, or "Media Center". They
are all there, however, if I go into Windows Media Player or Media Center on
my PC.