Kathy Foppes
This website keeps popping up when I'm on the internet and
it looks like it trys to take over Internet Explorer. The
only way I know about it is that it shows up in my
History. I believe that this website is responsible for
obscene pop up windows. I have disabled cookies, deleted
all cookies and delete it from my History every time it
shows up BUT I can't keep it from coming into my
computer. How can I free my computer from this thing?
it looks like it trys to take over Internet Explorer. The
only way I know about it is that it shows up in my
History. I believe that this website is responsible for
obscene pop up windows. I have disabled cookies, deleted
all cookies and delete it from my History every time it
shows up BUT I can't keep it from coming into my
computer. How can I free my computer from this thing?