With stock cooling was able to get 500 GPU & 580 memory.
with ATI Silencer 5 Rev. 2, 525GPU & 600 memory.
The GPU started to fail at around 545MHz, the memory started to get
artifacts around 611MHz
When I removed the stock cooler, it had way to much thermal compound.
Did found out my GPU is the R480
The memory is Samsung, rated for 600MHZ.
Guess that is why my X800XL is such a good overclocker.
If I had know before what I know now about the card.
I might have just kept the stocking cooling, but remove the old thermal
paste and used Arctic Silver 5.
With the ATI Silencer 5, I have to use the thermal pads for the memory.
With the stock cooling, I could have used the Arctic Silver 5 for the
With the ATI Silencer I can at least use the Arctic Silver 5 for the GPU.