The Other Guy.
I wish to get a new vid card and wish to play all my games in atleast
AF 4 AA 8 or is it the other way round, well you know what i mean
Ive heard the X800 Pro does this much better and i would get faster
FPS at the same resolution using an X800 pro. I would prob play my
games alittle over 1024 by 768 or higher if the FPS are still good.
Any ideas.
Yes i have read many reviews but none realy give me theinfo i wish to
know, i know the 6800Gt is more powerfull, but i think thats only with
no AA or AF. If iam going to buy a 700 dollar video card iam
@^^@^^@ing going to have AA and AF on, if their not on whats the point
AF 4 AA 8 or is it the other way round, well you know what i mean

Ive heard the X800 Pro does this much better and i would get faster
FPS at the same resolution using an X800 pro. I would prob play my
games alittle over 1024 by 768 or higher if the FPS are still good.
Any ideas.
Yes i have read many reviews but none realy give me theinfo i wish to
know, i know the 6800Gt is more powerfull, but i think thats only with
no AA or AF. If iam going to buy a 700 dollar video card iam
@^^@^^@ing going to have AA and AF on, if their not on whats the point