Not true i'va been there too.
also go to the ati compare web page and you will see.
9800pro as 256bit od ddr1 old technologie
x700pro as 128bit of GDDR3 witch is 2 time faster than ddr1 at least
so it is equal for both card.
Ad yes to get a good upgrade people should go for the x800 one. msi
does a good card with it's x800-td 128mb pci-e witch score 3900 in
3dmark05 vs 3000 with the x700pro/vivo vs 2400 with the 9800pro with
the drive 6.1 and lower.
And even better the x800xl will come cheaper by the time and will be
the next card to get for budget people like me

they are known to
have 16pipeline unlocked so in 3dmark05 it will score near 5000 point.
At future shop they are at 320$