He's probably gonna come back and set us all straight. But I doubt he's
running a barebones comp, so it's safe to say the direct answer to his
quesion is "No." And I hope he doesn't get mad at my extra comments
But he's got to have a pretty recent mobo. To run that card he's talking
about, his mobo will have to have at least a pentium 2.4ghz (or cpu
equivalent). I sure would like to know how he came about having such a
system with a 300watt psu though. I don't think even the little Walmart
computers last year were being sold with a psu less than 350watts. He's
probably a gamer on a tight budget if he's trying to go this route

I bet
you wouldnt notice one bit of difference on your games between this video
card you want and a regular 128mb agp4x. But if you don't have much comp ram
(with 300w psu I bet you dont) then you might be wanting a 256mb agp card.
You'd need a stronger psu for that too. Two more things to think about, is
that 1) even if you do buy this new video card, you wont be using it in the
future comps so why spend so much money on something like this? Go to
newegg.com and buy a cheaper agp4x card and then take the money you save
from not buying the big prize and buy a better psu with it. 2) Your mobo is
probably going to be the "bottleneck" meaning it will hold you back from
experiencing any real difference in gameplay from this video card you are
asking about. I'm basing this on you having a 300watt psu, and I know my
whole post is speculation, ok.
And if youre not a gamer and dont want this extra advice don't make me feel
stupid for giving it, ok