You can capture a mouse click event, and determine the X,Y coordinates of
the point. This X and Y are not related to the chart axes, but a little
algebra will get you what you need. This X,Y is in the coordinates of the
chart object, which is in pixels from the top left of the chart. Convert
pixels to points, which are used for chart element dimensions. Determine
where the converted X,Y fit within the plot inside area (turning pixels into
a percentage of each axis scale), and then convert from this percentage to
axis units.
This code shows a mouse_down event procedure which captures all of this
information. It only works for an XY chart's value X axis, not the
date-scale or category axis of a line/area/column chart (but these merely
need different algebraic manipulations). Step through it the first couple
times to make sure it does what is expected.
Private Sub Chart_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Long, ByVal Shift As Long, _
ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long)
Dim PlotArea_InsideLeft As Double
Dim PlotArea_InsideTop As Double
Dim PlotArea_InsideWidth As Double
Dim PlotArea_InsideHeight As Double
Dim AxisCategory_MinimumScale As Double
Dim AxisCategory_MaximumScale As Double
Dim AxisCategory_Reverse As Boolean
Dim AxisValue_MinimumScale As Double
Dim AxisValue_MaximumScale As Double
Dim AxisValue_Reverse As Boolean
Dim datatemp As Double
Dim Xcoordinate As Double
Dim Ycoordinate As Double
Dim X1 As Double
Dim Y1 As Double
X1 = X * 75 / ActiveWindow.Zoom
Y1 = Y * 75 / ActiveWindow.Zoom
PlotArea_InsideLeft = PlotArea.InsideLeft + ChartArea.Left
PlotArea_InsideTop = PlotArea.InsideTop + ChartArea.Top
PlotArea_InsideWidth = PlotArea.InsideWidth
PlotArea_InsideHeight = PlotArea.InsideHeight
With Axes(xlCategory)
AxisCategory_MinimumScale = .MinimumScale
AxisCategory_MaximumScale = .MaximumScale
AxisCategory_Reverse = .ReversePlotOrder
End With
With Axes(xlValue)
AxisValue_MinimumScale = .MinimumScale
AxisValue_MaximumScale = .MaximumScale
AxisValue_Reverse = .ReversePlotOrder
End With
datatemp = (X1 - PlotArea_InsideLeft) / PlotArea_InsideWidth * _
(AxisCategory_MaximumScale - AxisCategory_MinimumScale)
Xcoordinate = IIf(AxisCategory_Reverse, _
AxisCategory_MaximumScale - datatemp, _
datatemp + AxisCategory_MinimumScale)
datatemp = (Y1 - PlotArea_InsideTop) / PlotArea_InsideHeight * _
(AxisValue_MaximumScale - AxisValue_MinimumScale)
Ycoordinate = IIf(AxisValue_Reverse, _
datatemp + AxisValue_MinimumScale, _
AxisValue_MaximumScale - datatemp)
MsgBox "X = " & Xcoordinate & vbCrLf & "Y = " & Ycoordinate
End Sub
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions