Have been trying for ages to get the X-axis to cross the Y-axis at exactly
the avrg Y-value - to see results above and below average. But I can't find a
way to do it. Anyone?
(Tried recording a macro that takes the avrg value and pastes it into the
field in the "Value (X) axis crosses at" field, but it pastes the formula
rather than the number, and Excel can't handle a formula in that field...)
Thanks for any help
the avrg Y-value - to see results above and below average. But I can't find a
way to do it. Anyone?
(Tried recording a macro that takes the avrg value and pastes it into the
field in the "Value (X) axis crosses at" field, but it pastes the formula
rather than the number, and Excel can't handle a formula in that field...)
Thanks for any help