I have been doing some analysis of reaction kinetics. The
best way to plot the data is a rate versus inverse
temperature. My issue is that 1/T is not a number that
people that recieve my reports generally use, but
temperature is. I'd like to label the x-axis with values
for temperature.
1) Is there a way to plot X vs. Y and label an axis with Z
instead of X?
2) Is there a way create a custom scale? I don't
generally plot log(X). I usually just change the axis to
log scale. Can I create a 1/X scale?
best way to plot the data is a rate versus inverse
temperature. My issue is that 1/T is not a number that
people that recieve my reports generally use, but
temperature is. I'd like to label the x-axis with values
for temperature.
1) Is there a way to plot X vs. Y and label an axis with Z
instead of X?
2) Is there a way create a custom scale? I don't
generally plot log(X). I usually just change the axis to
log scale. Can I create a 1/X scale?