
  • Thread starter Thread starter mikeb
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I've been away from the vs.net environment for about a month now. But after
opening one of my projects - I notice my 'about' screen just doesn't look

Since last using this I had purchased a new laptop for development and
reinstalled vs2003.

Maybe the screen was always like this, I don't recall. But in the
development window, the text is larger than it displays in the emulator.
I'm spending more time going back and forth between the emulator and the
design screen - to make simple changes to the text layout.

Is there something I can do to make more of a wysiwyg apearance? I'm using
the Tahoma fonts - is this not supported ?

Thanks for any input.

There has always been a discrepancy between the designer and running on the
device. For absolute sizing/positioning you have to debug the values on the
target (like you have found out).

I can understand this - but why then is it that on one of my dev machines
the form in design mode looks good, but on another dev pc the text in label
fields appear too long for the length and other un-wysiwig anamolies... it
looks terrible on the second pc.

There must be some setting thats not set on one of my pc's... ??
Check the designer settings on each PC. It could be something as simple as
different fonts being selected...
