WWW Service Always "Starting"



I have XP Pro, just installed SP2. I am trying to install IIS w/Frontpage
Ext. I can complete an IIS only install , but it will not start. It appears
to get through the starting proces but generates error 1053: The service did
not respond to the start or control in a timely manner.

During the IIS install, many system log event 64008's were generated for
various files - for example:

"The protected system file c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\admexs.dll could not
be verified as valid because Windows File Protection is terminating. Use the
SFC utility to verify the integrity of the file at a later time" . I used
the sigverif utility on about 20 of the files listed out of approximately 50
and most had integrity. There were a few that came up unsigned in NT
uninstall files. My feeling was since the unsigned files were in uninstall
files, they should not be material. If that is a wrong assumption, please
let me know. I will verify the other files if it makes sense to do so.

In the app log event 61 appreared once:

WMI ADAP was unable to process the W3SVC performance library due to a time
violation in the open function.

The description stated if this event is logged when the computer restarted.
This may be a temporary error, so I'm not sure how much to pursue a
performance counter issue.

I would really appreciate help resolving this issue. I have tried
uninstalling IIS/reinstalling with no change. I have seen references to
issues with Zone Alarm. I have Norton Internet Security installed. I tried
disabling it and stopping services which had no effect. At this point I have
no .NET Framework installed or Front Page Extensions. When I have tried to
install the FP Extensions, the install hangs about 75% of the way through.

Thanks for all suggestions and help.


I wish one of the experts had answered this as I too have the same problem.
I have found a very cumbersome workround, if you stop "inetinfo.exe" using
the processes tab in task manager, the process restarts itself and on this
occassion W3SVC service starts OK.
I have also discovered that the hang is caused by another Microsoft service,
or atleast I assume so as the problem remains even when starting with all
other suppliers services disabled and all startup programs disabled courtesy
of msconfig.

Good luck and let me know if you find a defintive solution.


Thank you Silkhay. I eventually found a "workaround". If I disable Norton
Internet Security at startup, the WWW Service will start normally. I can
then manually enable Norton. I'll check into inetinfo as well. Perhaps
that's a contributor to the issue that I did not realize.



I'll try your solution with Norton also, I only noticed my problem after
installing an upgraded Internet Security

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