www Forwarder?

  • Thread starter Thread starter hank b
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hank b

Hello, here I go again! Our internet presents is hosted as
www.ururur.com. Our INTRANET is called ururur.com . so
recently have had a T-1 added for internet etc. Now Our
dns say's www to our web host at www (a record) to
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx., But this is adding the wrong cache to our
clients. To correct this, could I add a Forwarder named
www, so the local DNS would try to resolve URURUR.com
FIRST, then to the forwarder? MCSE never addressed this
sh_t! Hank B
If your public name space is identical to your internal name space then
you'll need to mirror the DNS records on the internal DNS's in order to make
this work. Adding a forwarder will not resolve this as the internal DNS's
already believe that they are SOA for the domain.

J.C. Hornbeck, MCSE
Microsoft Product Support

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Hello, here I go again! Our internet presents is hosted as
www.ururur.com. Our INTRANET is called ururur.com . so
recently have had a T-1 added for internet etc. Now Our
dns say's www to our web host at www (a record) to
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx., But this is adding the wrong cache to our
clients. To correct this, could I add a Forwarder named
www, so the local DNS would try to resolve URURUR.com
FIRST, then to the forwarder? MCSE never addressed this
sh_t! Hank B

I'm assuming from your description that you have an internal domain
name the same as the externally hosted web site domain and you're not
resolving the web site internally, correct?

If that's so, you need to configure your internal DNS for the
ururur.com domain, and add a host named "www" pointing to the IP
address of your external web server. You should also add your ISP's
DNS as a forwarder for your internal DNS.

Note that you can't add "www" as a forwarder, that's not what a
forwarder is. Note also that all of this sh_t is fully addressed by

Jeff, Thanks for the tip, and that ----was a resentment
for poor enterprise planning, sorry! We do have an A host
called WWW. points to internet host. (the problem's the
client's cache are pointing wrong for ururur.com.) I will
try the forwarder to ururur.com web host (A-plus) I will
call and get address! Pictures at 8:00 Hank B
Jeff, Thanks for the tip, and that ----was a resentment
for poor enterprise planning, sorry! We do have an A host
called WWW. points to internet host. (the problem's the
client's cache are pointing wrong for ururur.com.) I will
try the forwarder to ururur.com web host (A-plus) I will
call and get address! Pictures at 8:00 Hank B

You may be able to clear the client cache with an IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS.
May also want to use a NBTSTAT -RR to flush the NetBIOS cache as well.

-----Original Message-----

You may be able to clear the client cache with an IPCONFIG /FLUSHDNS.
May also want to use a NBTSTAT -RR to flush the NetBIOS cache as well.

Jeff, We flush the dns, BUT the problem has got so bad
we put a short cut to a script that flushes and registers
users DNS The It Dept want to put our DNS out on the
internet using a DNS service. But Hard headed me thinks in
house solution is out there! THanks Again Hank B>>>.