WWF Workflow changes committed but Activity.Execute() not called

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bill Richards
  • Start date Start date

Bill Richards

I have the following sequence activity within a Sequential Workflow

// delegate for OnLoadFilters event
public delegate void LoadFiltersEventHandler();

public partial class DynamicFilteringActivity : SequenceActivity
public event LoadFiltersEventHandler OnLoadFilters;

protected override ActivityExecutionStatus
Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
if(null != OnLoadFilters)
return (base.Execute(executionContext));

When this Activity is run, as you can see it simply raises the OnLoadFilters
event, which is registered with the SequentialWorkflowActivity thus

// in SequentialWorkflowActivity's designer.cs file
this.FilteringSequence.OnLoadFilters += new

// in SequentialWorkflowActivity's .cs file
private void OnLoadFilters_ExecuteCode()
// code ellided for the sake of berevity.
// suffice it to say however, that DynamicFilterLoader, takes a
few parameters and does the actual
// business of adding the Activities to the Workflow

DynamicFilterLoader.LoadFilters(ref workflowChanges,
MessageSystem.MessageType, messagePath);

try { ApplyWorkflowChanges(workflowChanges); }
catch(InvalidOperationException ex)
// log error
catch(WorkflowValidationFailedException wvfe)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(ValidationError error in wvfe.Errors)


One of these "Filters" which is loaded at runtime, for example is
FilterGender, whose constructors are defined as follows:

public FilterGender() { InitializeComponent(); }

public FilterGender(string gender, MessageResponses response) :
Genders = new List<string>();
Genders.AddRange(gender.Split(new[] { ',' },

{1}) constructed ... ", gender, response));

So far so good, when the workflow is run, the approriate logic is used to
determine whether or not our dynamic filters are required and the
appropriate filter is indeed added to the workflow, this much is evident in
the fact that our Trace file contains the expected trace
"FilterGender::FilterGender(\"{0}\", {1}) constructed ... ", also when the
DebuggerStepThrough attribute is commented out and we run the workflow in
debug mode, we can set a breakpoint in the constructor.

The problem is however, that although no exceptions are raised when the call
to ApplyWorkflowChanges(workflowChanges); is made, the Execute method of
the dynamically loaded filter is never called.

If there is not enough information here let me know and I will provide more.

Thanks in advance.
Having discovered that the flaw actually lies in the ellided code that's
doing the adding to the workflow, this post has become somewhat redundant.


Bill Richards said:
I have the following sequence activity within a Sequential Workflow

// delegate for OnLoadFilters event
public delegate void LoadFiltersEventHandler();

public partial class DynamicFilteringActivity : SequenceActivity
public event LoadFiltersEventHandler OnLoadFilters;

protected override ActivityExecutionStatus
Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
if(null != OnLoadFilters)
return (base.Execute(executionContext));

When this Activity is run, as you can see it simply raises the
OnLoadFilters event, which is registered with the
SequentialWorkflowActivity thus

// in SequentialWorkflowActivity's designer.cs file
this.FilteringSequence.OnLoadFilters += new

// in SequentialWorkflowActivity's .cs file
private void OnLoadFilters_ExecuteCode()
// code ellided for the sake of berevity.
// suffice it to say however, that DynamicFilterLoader, takes a
few parameters and does the actual
// business of adding the Activities to the Workflow

DynamicFilterLoader.LoadFilters(ref workflowChanges,
MessageSystem.MessageType, messagePath);

try { ApplyWorkflowChanges(workflowChanges); }
catch(InvalidOperationException ex)
// log error
catch(WorkflowValidationFailedException wvfe)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach(ValidationError error in wvfe.Errors)


One of these "Filters" which is loaded at runtime, for example is
FilterGender, whose constructors are defined as follows:

public FilterGender() { InitializeComponent(); }

public FilterGender(string gender, MessageResponses response) :
Genders = new List<string>();
Genders.AddRange(gender.Split(new[] { ',' },

{1}) constructed ... ", gender, response));

So far so good, when the workflow is run, the approriate logic is used to
determine whether or not our dynamic filters are required and the
appropriate filter is indeed added to the workflow, this much is evident
in the fact that our Trace file contains the expected trace
"FilterGender::FilterGender(\"{0}\", {1}) constructed ... ", also when the
DebuggerStepThrough attribute is commented out and we run the workflow in
debug mode, we can set a breakpoint in the constructor.

The problem is however, that although no exceptions are raised when the
call to ApplyWorkflowChanges(workflowChanges); is made, the Execute
method of the dynamically loaded filter is never called.

If there is not enough information here let me know and I will provide

Thanks in advance.