WTD: Quick and easy Bitrate changer for MP3's

  • Thread starter Thread starter ahlbebuck
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Hello, All!

I want to downsample whole directories for use on a portable mp3 player. Is
there something as simple as right clicking on file/folder and change the

With best regards, ahlbebuck. E-mail: (e-mail address removed)
I want to downsample whole directories for use on a portable mp3 player. Is
there something as simple as right clicking on file/folder and change the

Nothing that easy, but if you use CDex,
http://sourceforge.net/projects/cdexos/ then you can configure the file
format with bitrates that you want to get out and then just select whole
directories to be converted (there is an option for 're-encode
compressed file').
Hello, BananaOfTheNight!
You wrote on Fri, 17 Dec 2004 19:23:39 +0000:

??>> I want to downsample whole directories for use on a portable mp3
??>> player. Is there something as simple as right clicking on file/folder
??>> and change the bitrate?

B> Nothing that easy, but if you use CDex,
B> http://sourceforge.net/projects/cdexos/ then you can configure the file
B> format with bitrates that you want to get out and then just select whole
B> directories to be converted (there is an option for 're-encode
B> compressed file').

thnx, gonna try it

With best regards, ahlbebuck. E-mail: (e-mail address removed)
BananaOfTheNight said:
Nothing that easy, but if you use CDex,
http://sourceforge.net/projects/cdexos/ then you can configure the file
format with bitrates that you want to get out and then just select whole
directories to be converted (there is an option for 're-encode
compressed file').

FWIW, I've tried transcoding with CDex, and found that I get much better
results by first converting the MP3 file to a WAVE file, and then
re-encoding it to MP3 in the bitrate I want. It boils down to which is
more important to you - fast transcoding, or good sound quality.

Personally I don't recommend transcoding; if at all possible, I'd go
back to the original sound source (CD, or whatever) and create a new MP3.