Martin Allaire said:
Hi MyndPhlyp,
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately the properties are really set to
text in Access and I can't select in Excel the properties BEFORE doing the
transfer with "Analyze using Excel". I don't know if there is a way to set
an excel template with the properties pre-set and tell Access to drop the
content of the report in that template.
The apostrophe is the only tip that works fine but then it creates other
problems because the data is not in the format that is needed for other
internal reports.
ROFL. You mean users can't be just a little tolerant about the content of
their reports? Geez, it's just a little apostrophe!
It sounds as though either Excel or Access is trying to be a little too
smart - most likely Excel. Is it possible to format the "03-070" style text
strings to something else? (Ah, but those pesky end users intolerant of an
apostrophe are probably going to have an absolute fit if the hyphen isn't in
the string.)
Just skimming through the online help, it looks like it might be possible to
use the OutputTo action to achieve similar results. (On the Index tab of the
online help, enter the word "OutputTo" and select "OutputTo Action" from the
list.) There appears to be a setting for a template that you might use to
control the formatting of columns in the spreadsheet.
I haven't tried any of this, so I can't speak with authority. Just
spitballing some ideas.