I have an error message both in the before and afterupdate event after
I put the code
MsgBox "Invalid data. please enter etc.etc.", _
vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "Invalid"
Field = ""
Forms![SWITCH FORM]![NEW ARTICLES]![ForFrm]!Hour.SetFocus
I am assuming that this is the code you are trying to run:
1) I can never get Beep to do anything on any computer I use. Perhaps you
are having better luck!
2) msgBox looks fine.
3) IIRC, there are rules about changing the contents of fields you are in
the process of updating i.e in the BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate events.
This makes sense, since the change would cause a new cascade of the same
events with risk of horrid unexpected recursion. You can alter the value
using the Exit event, but it's a bit late then to avoid db engine errors.
3b) in any case, simply erasing your user's entry is a pretty user-
hostile thing to do. Just refusing to move on until it's corrected should
be unfriendly enough.
3c) Access text boxes clear to Null rather than "" anyway. The correct
instruction would be Field.Value=Null but it's still illegal and
4) I don't understand the access chain for the control. If the code is
running in the same form as the control, you can simply make this
or the more legible
4b) In the AfterUpdate and BeforeUpdate events, SetFocus will not help
you very much as they occur before Access has passed the focus on to the
next control. If you don't prevent that, using the Cancel argument, then
the focus will go to !Hour transiently and invisibly, and then get moved
on to wherever it was going anyway. You might try looking up the help
files for Order Of Events for Controls on Forms, which is pretty plain in
this area.
4c) If you are trying to find a control on a subform, you have to go via
the Form property of the subform control:
and note that the "subformcontrol" is the name of the control, not the
name of the form that it contains.
I think the code you are after is something like
Private Sub txtHour_BeforeUpdate(Cancel as Integer)
' note: it's a good habit to name the controls differently
' from the data fields, particularly when you are accessing
' them programmatically. Saves a bundle full of confusion
' later.
' test for validity
If txtHour.Value <> "What I want" Then
' alert the user
Beep : MsgBox "blah blah"
' prevent the update
Cancel = True
End If
' all done
End Sub
Hope that helps
Tim F