Wrong answer after using the payment formula in excel

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I am trying to get a monthly payment figure by using the payment formula in
excel. It always calculates the payment incorrectly. I try it on my
financial calculator, as well as a financial program I have in the computer
and these two come up with the same figure. Then I try it in excel, the
answer is different.

the formula I am using is: =PMT(.0015,360,375,000)

Any help??
What are the answers you get in each environment.

FWIW, I calculate my mortgage payments using PMT and they are correct.

Andy Wiggins FCCA
Excel, Access and VBA Consultancy
Without knowing what you expect to see, it's hard to help.

What your formula implies is:

Annual interest rate: 1.8% (i.e., 0.15%*12)
Term: 30 years (360 months)
Present value: $375
Future value: $0

for a payment of $1.35 per month (the result will be negative since your
PV is positive).

What were you trying to calculate?
The way you have it set up is
Amount of loan: $375,000
Years: 30
Interest rate: 1.8%

Is that what you wanted? 1.8% seems low? Also for PMT() the amount 375,000
should be -375000 or it will return a negative payment amount if that would
cause a problem.
Although you are probably correct that a 30 year loan is $375,000 the OP in
fact is using
$375 :) at least as written in his example
Yeah I know. I noticed it after I posted. Just saw 375,000 and
automatically thought $375,000 instead of $375 with a FV of 000 :)
Thank all of you for the responses...

Peo...you must love this stuff huh? You answered my other question!

Okay: When you calculate a payment using a financial calculator with these
360 months

you should get $883.51. when I do it in Excel, I get $919.45
