Where is the WRKGADM.EXE file located in Access 2003, I did a search on the
users PC and I can find it
users PC and I can find it
geocoy said:OUCH! That changes the concept of the secure database and sharing.
Is there an instruction on how to allow users to share a secure
geocoy said:Well I always created a workgroup file and linked the database to the
appropriate file (thru the WRKGADM.EXE ) when I installed the databse
for them. So if I undestand you right, I still do the same thing,
but I make the link within Access. It just struck me odd when you
said that. That should work. Let me know if I am wrong about this
Rick Brandt said:There is no "link" between an Access database file and a workgroup file. The
workgroup is tied to the "session", not the file.
There is a coincidental relationship between a secured mdb and a workgroup that
will allow you to open it, but it is best not to describe that as a "link"
because it is in fact not a link.
The mdb "knows" what groups and/or users are allowed to open it and what those
groups and/or users can do once allowed in the file. The user and group
memberships are established when you start an Access session with a particular
workgroup file.
When you attempt to open an mdb during an Access session the established user
and group memberships are examined to see if adequate credentials exist to open
the file. If they do you are in, otherwise you get an error.
If you wanted to you could make any number of completely different workgroup
files that would all allow access to a particular secured mdb file. The fact
that there is usually only one such file is what leads people to believe that
the two files are linked.
geocoy said:I stand corrected, its a join
geocoy said:Interesting comment, I see what you mean, I assumed it was linked
because when you use the WRKGADM.EXE to "link" to the appropriate
file, I think it uses the work link in the dialog box. I have been
making a copy of the latest version of the workgroup file and putting
it in a folder called C:\Purge (Purge is the name of my database)
along with the database itself. The workgroup file never gets
updated unless I give the user an updated copy. I figured the user
has no need to have an updated version unless I make change to his
version of the front end database that might affect the way the
database works. Do you think this is good practice apposed to
putting a single copy of a workgroup file on the network for all
users to access a single workgroup file. I'd be curious to know the
geocoy said:Understood. I should have explained myself better. At this point
the only thing that gets changed is that I am adding new users and I
do have them in groups.
Old versions of Access was slugish over networks, so I was trying my
best to keep as much of the activities local as possible. When new
users need to add a record it is all don't locally until they choose
to save, at which point the information is appended to the back end
database. The only time they are working across the network is when
they want to view or edit records.
So I was using the same logic for the workgroup file, if it is
located on the users pc, he is almost never running anything across
the network. When I add a new user, I just give him required access
and a fresh copy of the frontend and workgroup file he needs to get
permissions. The last added user is the only one with an up to date
worrkgroup file.
A reasonable sentiment, but the activity on the workgroup file is
neglible when compared to that of the data file. I doubt you
would be able to measure a difference.
David said:Not true in all scenarios. Contention for the workgroup file can
lead to concurrency problems. I had a situation in the early days of
A2K where this was an issue with a mere 10 users, and so we moved
the workgroup files to the workstations. It's copied down again each
time the user installs a new front end.
Seems odd that that would happen when the workgroup file is only
being read from. Concurency should only be an issue when writing
to the file no?
In addition, if a user has changed their password, you'll
overwrite it when you provide the updated mdw. It is better to
put it on the server.