Always Learning
Hi Guys,
I am still searching for an answer to this question. Can you help me?
If I have a field on a .aspx form, the classic Textbox1. How do I send the
Textbox1.Text to an .Asp page and assign it to say rs("Name") variable.
Because I have used Request.Redirect("writetodb.asp") in my button click
event, I thought I could use
rs("Name") = request.form("Textbox1") but this does not work.
I am using this method because I am trying to create a new .net input form
based on an old .asp form and then calling the original .asp page to write
to the database. If I could just convert the .net form variables to the
variables I used in my original .Asp page all would be ok.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Steve Wilson.
I am still searching for an answer to this question. Can you help me?
If I have a field on a .aspx form, the classic Textbox1. How do I send the
Textbox1.Text to an .Asp page and assign it to say rs("Name") variable.
Because I have used Request.Redirect("writetodb.asp") in my button click
event, I thought I could use
rs("Name") = request.form("Textbox1") but this does not work.
I am using this method because I am trying to create a new .net input form
based on an old .asp form and then calling the original .asp page to write
to the database. If I could just convert the .net form variables to the
variables I used in my original .Asp page all would be ok.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
Steve Wilson.