Writing from a Stream to a File



I have zip file called "PPC_DATA.zip" that contains four
jpg images. Using the code below I can get a ZipEntry,
which can be converted into a Stream by using
zFile.GetInputStream(e). I want to know how to write the
Stream I get in this way into files.

I have included the code below, but converting the Stream
(from 'zFile.GetInputStream(e);') into a file named
('e.Name;') is confusign me...


ZipFile zFile = new ZipFile(@"c:\My

foreach (ZipEntry e in zFile) {
FileStream fs = new FileStream(@"C:\My
Documents\" + e.Name, FileMode.Create);
BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(fs);



Jon Skeet

Rasika said:
I have zip file called "PPC_DATA.zip" that contains four
jpg images. Using the code below I can get a ZipEntry,
which can be converted into a Stream by using
zFile.GetInputStream(e). I want to know how to write the
Stream I get in this way into files.

I have included the code below, but converting the Stream
(from 'zFile.GetInputStream(e);') into a file named
('e.Name;') is confusign me...

Have a look at the bottom example in

That happens to write to a memory stream instead of a file stream, but
the "read a block, write it" loop is the same as what you need.

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