I have a timer. At each tick, say 0.1 second, I write a file.
If it takes more than 0.1 second to write the file the app will not work
How can I tell in the tick event if the previous file finished writing so I
can skip writing at that time?
I write using the Bitmap.Save method.
Maybe I could Open, Write, Close synchronously??
Any ideas?
What happens if the Click event takes more that 0.3 seconds to exit.
Do the click events pile up and then come right after each other or are the
past ones simply missed?
If it takes more than 0.1 second to write the file the app will not work
How can I tell in the tick event if the previous file finished writing so I
can skip writing at that time?
I write using the Bitmap.Save method.
Maybe I could Open, Write, Close synchronously??
Any ideas?
What happens if the Click event takes more that 0.3 seconds to exit.
Do the click events pile up and then come right after each other or are the
past ones simply missed?