I've bought a second Home PC. At first we were networked through the router.
Since then, I've removed network capabilities due to the kids. During that
brief period, I created a folder on their desktop with my name. Now I cant
delete that folder, and the error message says that: "This folder cannot be
deleted. Please check if this folder is write protected or full". It is an
empty folder.
Running XP2 with MS Office
Can someone suggest a way to delete the folder?
Since then, I've removed network capabilities due to the kids. During that
brief period, I created a folder on their desktop with my name. Now I cant
delete that folder, and the error message says that: "This folder cannot be
deleted. Please check if this folder is write protected or full". It is an
empty folder.
Running XP2 with MS Office
Can someone suggest a way to delete the folder?