oops that should be
"NTEXT is Variable-length Unicode data with a maximum length of 2^30 - 1 (1,073,741,823) characters
----- Jeff wrote: ----
I do not know if a NTEXT field is large enough, however to make a Strin
from a dataset you can use dataset GetXML
To quote SQL Server Books OnLine "NTEXT is Variable-length Unicode data with a maximum length of 230 - 1 (1,073,741,823) characters
One of my wishes is that there was a dataset SetXML because you while hav
to loop through it as an XMLdoc to get it back to a dataset as far as
Look at WriteXML/ReadXML of the dataset using StringReader. Here is an example from the MSDN documents
If Page.IsPostBack The
Dim sr as New System.IO.StringReader(CStr(ViewState("dsCustomers"))
Dim sw as New System.IO.StringWriter(
ViewState("dsCustomers") = sw.ToString(
End I
----- Cor Ligthert wrote: ----
I do not know if a NTEXT field is large enough, however to make a Strin
from a dataset you can use dataset GetXML
One of my wishes is that there was a dataset SetXML because you while hav
to loop through it as an XMLdoc to get it back to a dataset as far as
Or maybe Jon has a solution for that last as a specialis in my opinion fo
serialization (I am seriously strugling with that Jon, maybe a nice chaleng
for you when you see this, I can also serialize it real as a datset with on
of the 3 schematypes in it, but also not deserialize that. Where I am no
talking about doing it with dataset.writexml and readxml via disk that is
piece of cake)