I believe you are leaving out a very big variable that disqualifies your
analogy below: that is simply price, or cost/performance ratio.
When you bought that 286, or that brand new Pentium 3 several (many) years
ago, how much did they cost in relation to what your 64bit 3200 cost and
While you are correct in the fact that your Slot 1 CPU was supported by many
vendors for several years, you are also forgetting that comparitively, it
would be like paying about 3 times as much as you paid for your AMD chip.
There are tradeoffs invloved, and unfortunately this 2 month lifespan for
the 754 does seem a bit unorthodox, but in general, I would say the
cost/performance of the AMD chips (esp. the 64) are far above anything else
out there - and simply because you can't find a mobo for it doesn't mean you
can't run it the way it is for several years to come. When you want to
upgrade, do a bit more research next time ( and I'm just as guilty as you -
I recently bought a 64bit 3200+ as well
and get something that may be
supported a bit longer - the great thing being that we aren't paying
$800-$1200 or more for a CPU - which I'm sure would be the case if Intel
still had it's way...