Robin Murison
I am writing code which needs to run identically on several
platforms including EBCDIC platforms. Currently this is
ANSI C although we are trying to move to ISO C++. Although
we are using some microsoft Unicode extensions.
As part of this I need to reimplement the wheel so that
when I use Unicode input to _tcstol on an EBCDIC platform
for example it gives the correct answer.
_tcstol would normally set the errno in various error
I would also like to set the error no. Now on Windows this
in a multithreading or DLL environment this is impossible.
However I do not want to override the whole C RTL just so
that I can use my own Error No and set it as appropriate
The MS help page on errno does not give an ANSI way of
setting errno. Is there a way of setting it more directly?
Any suggestions? And until M S stop spammers from reading
their news servers for suitable email addresses I am not
likely to put a computer readable email address there. So
see below for contact details
Robin M
R M u r i s o n @ g r o u p 1 s o f t w a r e . c o . u k
I am writing code which needs to run identically on several
platforms including EBCDIC platforms. Currently this is
ANSI C although we are trying to move to ISO C++. Although
we are using some microsoft Unicode extensions.
As part of this I need to reimplement the wheel so that
when I use Unicode input to _tcstol on an EBCDIC platform
for example it gives the correct answer.
_tcstol would normally set the errno in various error
I would also like to set the error no. Now on Windows this
in a multithreading or DLL environment this is impossible.
However I do not want to override the whole C RTL just so
that I can use my own Error No and set it as appropriate
The MS help page on errno does not give an ANSI way of
setting errno. Is there a way of setting it more directly?
Any suggestions? And until M S stop spammers from reading
their news servers for suitable email addresses I am not
likely to put a computer readable email address there. So
see below for contact details
Robin M
R M u r i s o n @ g r o u p 1 s o f t w a r e . c o . u k