I'm trying to create an InstantMessaging client and I want my InstantMessage
Conversation to be a RichTextBox control which displays an avatar to the left
of each instant message. (A little like googletalk). However unlike
googletalk, if an instant message is very long I don't want it to wrap under
the avatar. I thought using a table would be the ideal solution, but this
posed some problems around selection of content. E.g. if this is my table:
Avatar | Message 1|
Avatar | Message 2|
Avatar | Message 3 which contains lots of text at the end which isn't very
I'd like to select the some of Message 1, all of Message 2 and some of
Message 3. I want this table to behave like a document in that I can select
portions of text from each cell. Consider the following where letters in
uppercase indicate the selection (equivalent to where the mouse cursor click
and drag started and terminated).
avatar | mesSAGE 1|
avatar | MESSAGE 2|
avatar | MESsage 3 which contains lots of text at the end which isn't very
If I click and drag over Message 1, Message 2 and Message 3, the entire
contents of all cells are selected for copying. Can anyone tell me if I can
select only the content that I click and then mouse over, not the entire cell
when I am using a Table (or Grid) in WPF? It works like I'd hope in a single
cell, but once I start trying to copy content of multiple cells it selects
the entire content of all the cells.
Conversation to be a RichTextBox control which displays an avatar to the left
of each instant message. (A little like googletalk). However unlike
googletalk, if an instant message is very long I don't want it to wrap under
the avatar. I thought using a table would be the ideal solution, but this
posed some problems around selection of content. E.g. if this is my table:
Avatar | Message 1|
Avatar | Message 2|
Avatar | Message 3 which contains lots of text at the end which isn't very
I'd like to select the some of Message 1, all of Message 2 and some of
Message 3. I want this table to behave like a document in that I can select
portions of text from each cell. Consider the following where letters in
uppercase indicate the selection (equivalent to where the mouse cursor click
and drag started and terminated).
avatar | mesSAGE 1|
avatar | MESSAGE 2|
avatar | MESsage 3 which contains lots of text at the end which isn't very
If I click and drag over Message 1, Message 2 and Message 3, the entire
contents of all cells are selected for copying. Can anyone tell me if I can
select only the content that I click and then mouse over, not the entire cell
when I am using a Table (or Grid) in WPF? It works like I'd hope in a single
cell, but once I start trying to copy content of multiple cells it selects
the entire content of all the cells.