G Gregory A. Beamer Apr 16, 2010 #2 Mr. Magic said: Are there any news groups specific to WPF ? Click to expand... http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en/wpf/threads/ -- Peace and Grace, Greg Twitter: @gbworld Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com ************************************************ | Think outside the box! | ************************************************
Mr. Magic said: Are there any news groups specific to WPF ? Click to expand... http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en/wpf/threads/ -- Peace and Grace, Greg Twitter: @gbworld Blog: http://gregorybeamer.spaces.live.com ************************************************ | Think outside the box! | ************************************************
A Arne Vajhøj Apr 17, 2010 #3 Are there any news groups specific to WPF ? Click to expand... Maybe: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework microsoft.public.dotnet.general Or maybe here if used with C#. Arne
Are there any news groups specific to WPF ? Click to expand... Maybe: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework microsoft.public.dotnet.general Or maybe here if used with C#. Arne