Ken said:
This is, in my view, a very poor and misleading message. It assumes that you
have the necessary program installed and are just missing the association.
In reality, it's much more likely that you simply don't have the appropriate
A .wpd file is a WordPerfect document. To read this file you either need to
have WordPerfect or some other word processing program that knows how to
read .wpd files. WordPerfect used to be commonly installed, but it's far
from as common as it used to be, and you probably don't have it. Whoever
sent you the file either didn't understand what you need to read it, or
mistakenly assumed that you had WordPerfect installed.
Ask the sender to save the document within WordPerfect as an .rtf file
(WordPerfect can do that) and resend it. Almost every word processor can
read .rtf files.
This is the best reply that I have seen on this subject.
I used to belong to a computer club with everything from novice to a
few experts (the experts belonging to the technical side of things). I
just loved to learn, mostly by myself, how to use software.
I am digressing. Our Secretary had Word Perfect and we were constantly
getting email addresss updates from her which were in wpd format, and
which we couldn't open.
The only addendum I would add to Ken's posting is that we don't know
how astute the sender of the Word Perfect document is - or experience
in software, or file extensions.
The receiver of the wpd attachment should tell the sender, when she
saves the document to also use the scroll box, at the bottom of the
Save As Window, ( As a Word Perfect User Ken, you can correct me if I
am wrong - because I don't have Word Perfect) to select .rtf file
format to save the document, for sending to other people. If she
assumes that everyone can read her attachments, then she is probably
unaware that she can change the format to a rich text file which can be
opened in Word.
I am currently trying to teach a new windows user, who has no idea what
file formats are yet, let alone, saving in different formats.
PS I am still using Word 2000 and so long as it does what I need to do
I cannot, like most people, rush out or update it to Word 2003 etc. I
have many other programs I would like to get the newer versions of -
but this is impossible unless you are rolling in it!!