WPA again...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dennis
  • Start date Start date


Trying to improve performance with my Win XP Pro system, I reset all
system services to start manually. My thoughts were that on restart, I
could see what services started and then set them to Automatic, thus
having only necessary services running after bootup. Bad idea
evidently, as upon restart Window's Product Activation threw up a
warning stating that my machine's devices had changed significantly
and would need to be activated within 3 days if I wanted to continue
using it. The problem is, the only changes since install/activation
(Nov. 2004) have been minor. I’ve added more RAM, updated a few
drivers, and disabled my onboard NIC. Shouldn’t be enough to warranty
reactivation if I understand WPA correctly. I restored the system to a
state before I changed the services, but still get the warning. Should
I reactivate or not at this point? What could have prompted this
problem? Any advice would be appreciated. TIA.
Trying to improve performance with my Win XP Pro system, I reset all
system services to start manually. My thoughts were that on restart, I
could see what services started and then set them to Automatic, thus
having only necessary services running after bootup. Bad idea
evidently, as upon restart Window's Product Activation threw up a
warning stating that my machine's devices had changed significantly
and would need to be activated within 3 days if I wanted to continue
using it. The problem is, the only changes since install/activation
(Nov. 2004) have been minor. I’ve added more RAM, updated a few
drivers, and disabled my onboard NIC. Shouldn’t be enough to warranty
reactivation if I understand WPA correctly. I restored the system to a
state before I changed the services, but still get the warning. Should
I reactivate or not at this point? What could have prompted this
problem? Any advice would be appreciated. TIA.

Since the notice to reactivate sticking around, why not make your changes,
iron out the kinks and then activate. No idea what triggered the prompt to
activate on your system but there should be no problem in completing the
request and moving on from there.

I tried that exercise of changing service to manual to adjust those that
are loaded at startup (the first startup with everything on manual can take
quite some time to finish). My results were not much different than where I
started so do not repeat the steps on new setups.