Truth is chaps, nobody knows for sure and journals can slant that issue to any which way they like by quoting different people.
Here's the last couple of paragraphs which would appear to be at odds with the headline:
"A spokesman for the Royal Society, Britain’s national academy of science, said: “The world’s leading climate experts at the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change believe that it is greater than 90 per cent likely that human activity is responsible for most of the observed warming in recent decades. That is a pretty strong consensus.
“The science has come a long way since 1998 and it continues to point in one direction - the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to avert dangerous climate change.”
This planet has had a constant history of extreme and shifting weather conditions but I personally believe human beings are contributing to the earth's decline. The hole in the ozone layer above Australia and the corresponding increase in skin cancers suffered there cannot be denied.