From Silence of the Lambs
Rush: No! I will listen now. After you found a linux PC crunching, you were peeved. You were a Canadian. You went to live with cousins on a sheep and horse ranch in Montana. And...?
Dagorath: [tears begin forming in his eyes] And one morning, I just ran away.
Rush: No "just", Dagorath. What set you off? You started at what time?
Dagorath: Early, still dark.
Rush: Then something woke you, didn't it? Was it a dream? What was it?
Dagorath: I heard a strange noise.
Rush: What was it?
Dagorath: It was – screaming, some kind of screaming, like a crunchers voice.
Rush: What did you do?
Dagorath: I went downstairs, outside. I crept up into the barn. I was so scared to look inside, but I had to.
Rush: And what did you see, Dagorath? What did you see?
Dagorath : PC`s. The PC`s were crunching.
Rush: They were crunching the WU?
Dagorath: And they were getting points.
Rush: And you ran away?
Dagorath: No. First I tried to free them. I-I opened the gate to their On/Off button , but they wouldn't stop. They just stood there, crunching away. They wouldn't stop.
Rush: But you could and you did, didn't you?
Dagorath: Yes. I took one PC, and I ran away as fast as I could.
Rush: Where were you going, Dagorath?
Dagorath: I don't know. I didn't have any food, any water and it was very cold, very cold. I thought, I thought if I could save just one and convert it to get me more points i would rule the crunching world , but - it was so heavy. So heavy. I didn't get more than a few miles when the sheriff's car picked me up. The rancher was so angry he sent me to live at the Lutheran orphanage in Bozeman. I never saw the PC again.
Rush: What became of your PC, Dagorath ?
Clarice: They stopped him crunching for me .
Hannibal: I do wish we could chat longer, but I'm having an old friend for dinner.
you Dagarath