fish said:
You obviously don't know the first thing about tubes.
Its overwhelmingly accepted that the level of quality from tube designs
surpass that of anything solid state up to $10,000 as a general rule,
there are exceptions.
'...Audio is engineering and tubes don't cut it...'
LOL!! - go here ( read a little, then look for the
form at Decware's site and tell that to some of the regulars (most are
Audio Engineers).
Well I took a look at their cables first as this tends to be where most
bullshit is:
"In these new cables wanting both halves of the sinewave to be treated the
same, matching conductors are run in parallel to each other with no twists
or braids or external shields to complicate the interaction between
Hmm, bullshit. Since when would each half of the sine wave be treated
differently? Thats entirely equivalent to connecting the cable the other
way round and it having different electrical properties. Bullshit at it's
I suppose at around $80/m and $25 for each connector they have to say
*something* to sell them.
OK, over to tubes, preamps:
"In fact, if you have a high power solid state amplifier, this is an
absolute must"
OK, presumably to make the sound of the solid state amp sound warm and
fuzzy, just the way you like it. That statement alone says that it adds
audible distortion.
OK, so it uses the 61NP tube, would that be anything like this $7 tube (and
thats only in quantities of 10):
"designed for amplification of low-frequency voltage" Well there's a
useless statement. 20KHz is audible, but is it low-frequency? Hmm, I
dunno. Compared to DC no, compared to Bluetooth carrier? Yes. Lets keep
OK, can't find very much, well... nothing quantitative.
Anyway, I think $575 for what is essentially a $7 part with a pretty box
seems like a high markup.
OK, just been looking at the SE84C power amp:
OK, so the frequency response seems pretty flat from 30Hz to 20KHz. Again
it uses te 61NP. For some reason I don't seem to be able to find any specs
on distortion. Don't care any more.
Like I said, whatever floats your boat. It's subjective and if spending
that sort of money makes the music sound better to you, good. I'm glad.