Assuming you have a button to launch the report. Then you would remove the
conditions from the actual query of the report.
If the datafile is small, (only a few thousand records), then you can use
conditions that simply check the month and the year. for Example:
You button code could then go:
dim strWhere as string
strWhere = "year([DateField]) = " & year(date) & _
"and month([DateField]) = " & month(date())
docmd.OpenReport "the reprot",acViewPreview,,strWhere
However, for reasons of performance, if that file is going to be more then a
few thousand records, then we should use a full date rate conditions so that
indexing can be used.
Hence, the correct solution is to use a date range. We SHOULD use:
Dim strWhere As String
Dim dtStart As Date
Dim dtEnd As Date
dtStart = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) - 1, 1)
dtEnd = DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), 0)
strWhere = BuildCriteria("[DateField", dbDate, "between " & _
dtStart & " and " & dtEnd)
DoCmd.OpenReport "your report",acViewPreview,,strwhere
In fact, you might even just build a nice report prompt form for the user.
The above use of the "sql where clause" via stWhere is real nice. It means
you can get rid of all the prompts in the query, and build the where in
code. It allows you to make some real nice prompt forms. Here is some screen
shots of using the above code: