So WINE is a compatability layer? BFD. There is a layer between your
Windows program and the Operating System, slowing down the Windows
app. There is no need to run some stupid program so you can run Linux.
If you can't afford Windows then maybe the WHINE solution would be
right for you.
Actually, under Windows, using NewsLeecher with 4 d/l threads, the max
d/l speed is about 250 KB/sec.
Running NL under WINE, the same server, same 4 threads, and it comes down
the pipe @ 600 KB/sec.
XNews is not 'slowed down' either.
Also, Quake4 running/installed under WINE runs FASTER than the Linux
native version....and runs as good as when in Windows.
So a blanket statement of 'There is a layer between your Windows program
and the Operating System, slowing down the Windows app.' is not 100%
accurate, as well as 'slowing down' the app being subjective.
Now....if you want to talk about another layer between you and the OS,
you need to look no further than MS's .Net technologies. The 'managed'
libraries that MS is pushing everyone to use does just that, it adds yet
another layer between the top-level app and the underlying Windows DLL's
that are being used.
ANY program can perform better using unmanaged code directly accessing
the Windows API (ex.- VC++) than it can if using a .Net technology.