It's not a real security upgrade from Microsoft. It's the Swen virus,
and it sends an email that looks very much like some web pages at The virus was misidentified as "Automat.AHB" by Norton
last week, but that will change soon.[email protected]
"The definitions that Symantec's Digital Immune System automatically
created previously detected W32.Swen@mm as Worm.Automat.AHB.
"W32.Swen.A@mm is a mass-mailing worm that uses its own SMTP engine to
spread itself. It attempts to spread through file-sharing networks,
such as KaZaA and IRC, and attempts to kill antivirus and personal
firewall programs running on a computer.
"The subject, body, and From: address of the email may vary. Some
examples claim to be patches for Microsoft Internet Explorer, or
delivery failure notices from qmail."