World's Best Freeware Site Update

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Adkins
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Bob said:
A small list of only 1 software in each program category.

Several additions, many changes this time.


An interesting and reasonable list. Of course, I would make many
changes. But I write this to suggest you switch to a different version
of jv16 (probably1.3.0.195). I'm sure you have followed the recent jv16
news. Of course you may belong to the "Jouni V. is dead to me" camp and
have just forgotten to excise the entry.
An interesting and reasonable list. Of course, I would make many
changes. But I write this to suggest you switch to a different version
of jv16 (probably1.3.0.195). I'm sure you have followed the recent jv16
news. Of course you may belong to the "Jouni V. is dead to me" camp and
have just forgotten to excise the entry.

Ak! A typo! I do indeed link to Thanks for the "heads up"
Jackson! I'll fix it soon.

I find it a little distasteful to use the last freeware version of a
program. However, Jouni stated that "JV16 will always be freeware". When he
went back on his word without so much as an apology to thousands of beta
testers, all bets were off.

That said, JV16 has a couple of unique features found in no other registry
cleaner. I'm keeping an eye on Easy Cleaner, RegSeeker, and HDCleaner.
They're adding some serious features.

I find it a little distasteful to use the last freeware version of a
program. However, Jouni stated that "JV16 will always be freeware". When he
went back on his word without so much as an apology to thousands of beta
testers, all bets were off.

There is really nothing wrong with using or achiving the last freeware
version. My site is based upon this. BcWipe pledged to stay free and
also broke the promise, hence the idea was there, now the site is. The
rest of the programs were suggested by the fine people here.

I don't think there is a master plan in development. Things just
happen, which leads to other things, and so on. The best of intentions
can vaporize unfortunately.

If the program is indicated to be freeware by the author and
redistribution is allowed/invited it's cool to stop with a freeware
version. There is nothing to make us follow the program after it goes
commercial. I still run 98SE. I don't have to get XP. I use an ancient
version of Agent that was given to me by a friend who went Linux cold
turkey. He bought it, I feel no obligation to purchase a newer version
simply because a newer version exists. This version works great, and
this is true with many last freeware versions of many programs.

I think I may be preaching to the choir here <G>.

That said, my site is up for renewal shortly. I had a budget account
that only allows for 100 megs of disk space and it's been full. I'm
upgrading to a 2000 meg account with 60 gig/month bandwidth limit, so
if anyone has any outstanding freeware versions of programs that went
commercial or freeware programs abandoned or just good freeware
programs that are hard to find please sound off! I have much free
space and bandwidth as of Feb. 28.

1) The program must be freeware.
2) Redistribution must be allowed by the author.
3) Last freeware versions, abandoned freeware, or just tough to find
freeware is all I'm interested in archiving. Everyday programs can be
found elsewhere.

Email by removing the 3 caps, or post here.

I appreciate email attachments for stuff that satisifies 1, 2 and 3
that is not out on the net presently.

Sites with older versions:

My site:

Henry the mole's rareware site:

OldVersion .com (very nice!)
I will discuse on that with the firewalls. I've tryed a lot
of firewalls and figure out that Outpost 1.0 is the best stable

I think you must put this one to your best listings.

(only spoke for myself)

Like to hear Your upinions thanks.

Never tried Outpost. I think I read that it is about the same as Sygate. If
this is true, then it's a great firewall. I've been running Kerio for about
6 weeks now, and I must say I'm thinking about rating it higher than Sygate.

Any other goodies? :)
