WorldCommunityGrid Live Statistics

Loving your work Mr Imrie!!
Just one thing though......Can i have it in blue!? :p

Joking :thumb:
Yes, custom colour banners can also be provided via my script.

Just PM me and i'll get it sorted for you, however those on the Live Statistics Page will continue to stay black, but using the banner link i can provide, you can have a customised colour banner which loads faster than the standard banner generator images.
I'll stick with the way it is for the time being....

But i'll keep the offer in mind, cheers Chris. :thumb:
Not sure what's going on but i think WCG hate Postill... there now seems to be a problem with obtaining data for his Banner, same using the Sero Generator Link's aswell...

I'll see if it irons itself out in the next few hours :)
Really Chris, I think your taking this rivalry too far, fancy deleting his stats:D
I'm not that competitive, everything is blanking his Stats, including the Banner Generator everyone originally used...

It's confusing me :confused: But yeah, if it isn't sorted by the 00:00 Statistics Update then i'll begin looking around for any other things which have broken so i can send the WCG Guys an email ;)
Seems some had trouble with that stats banner at FaD. I think they contacted the guy that does them and he fixed it for them. ;)
phicksus said:
Seems some had trouble with that stats banner at FaD. I think they contacted the guy that does them and he fixed it for them. ;)
That's a point Chris ... ... has nothing to do with WCG, it's an independent. :)

I'll wait until the banner stats update again and i'll see if Postill's goes back to normal, otherwise i'll get in touch ;)