Just installed BOINC today on two computers. Just had a look at sys tray and seen 4 instances of BOINC running, yet it's 4 instances of the same thing and i'm a bit confused. Please help.
When I first set up BOINC on my new Win 7 rig (a few months back,) exactly the same thing happened to me. At the time, I just assumed that the icons had appeared (then just got left behind,) marking the times I'd opened the new installation to see that it was functioning correctly....)
Anyway, I manually closed the extra icons, leaving just one of them behind. It happened a couple of times more, but I repeated my closure of the "extras" and it just seemed to settle down after that. (I know this is not in any way a "technical" reply, but hey, it worked for me, lol.)
My daughter does a bit of crunching with a single core processor and ALWAYS has two icons in the systray. No matter how many times we remove one of them it always returns. Can't work it out.