World Community Grid updates for Jan 3rd, 2006


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
World Community Grid updates for Feb 3rd, 2006

Users of the BOINC platform now have the additional features available to them:

The results page is great, It lets you keep track of you pc's and the WU its working on. :thumb:
Find it in 'My Grid' > 'Device Manager' > 'Results Status'

  • BOINC Team XML stats will now be exported (Please note that this will only contain the points you earned on a BOINC device). These stats are used by sites such as:
Good to see the BOINC stats up and running now. :)
Check out the team pages HERE Looks whos in 36th place. :D Just behind BBT. (At time of post)

EDIT: The links to the teams dont work at the moment, The url has the http bit twice at the beginning. ;)

World Community Grid welcomes its newest partners:

Hudson Guild, Inc. - USA - (Join the Hudson Guild, Inc. team)
International Computer Solutions, LLC - USA - (Join the International Computer Solutions, LLC team)
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago - USA - (Join the United Way of Metropolitan Chicago team)
Mile High United Way - USA - (Join the Mile High United Way team)
United Way of Greater Waterbury - USA - (Join the United Way of Greater Waterbury team) - Sweden - (Join the team) - Sweden - (Join the team)
Writers To You - Sweden - (Join the Writers To You team)

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Looks whos in 36th place.
Just behind BBT. (At time of post)
we still are but, look here and we are ahead. :rolleyes:

christopherpostill said:
You mean Feb 3rd? :)
Ha ha, yeah, i just copy 'n' pasted it from WCG forum, their fault not mine!! :D

Was a little drunk last night and didnt notice it.

Cheers to whoever changed it. :thumb:

mucks said:
we still are but, look here and we are ahead :rolleyes:
YAY! :)