World Community Grid ---- PCReview Crew II


Sep 30, 2005
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The team here at PCReview are doing sterling crunching for the WCG. It seems that our efforts are of great interest to the general public. If you follow the link below

you will see that over one thousand folk have looked at the threads. Several of the threads, admittedly a couple of years old generated interest in over two thousand folk.
It is obvious why, for the WCG does very valuable work in the cancer field and other important medical research fields.

What is puzzling is why on a almost regular basis nearly three hundred folk look at the Daily Statistics for the team.

Is crunching such a competitive task ?

Why on earth would you look at dull statistics if you are not involved in the effort ?

People are very strange they will spend time and effort reading about a very important and possibly life saving scheme but will not make the small effort needed to join in and help.
What a sad and sorry state of affairs. Especially sad when it is almost certain that every reader of those dry and dusty results knows someone with cancer.

For my part I am glad to help out in my own small way. I do not expect any medals or rewards other than hopefully finding new and effective ways to treat cancers and other diseases.
I am a pensioner living of a basic state pension and I do not begrudge the few pennies a day that my crunching efforts cost.
My rigg runs 24/7 apart from a few hours here and there when I turn crunching off temporarily to play some very demanding game. I have the crunching program running at 50% the rest of the time and it does not impact in any detrimental way with my daily net surfing, video streaming or any of the other tasks I do with my pc.

If every computer user in the UK and the rest of the world set their pc to crunch at 10% of its cpu output then important discoveries could be made in days or weeks instead of years or decades.

People will exert a great deal of hot air and effort reading and talking about changing the world but will not invest that same amount of effort or a great deal less in taking direct action that will show results.
As I said a sad and sorry state of affairs.

So if you have read this far and you do not belong to a crunching team you have a choice.
Carry on being a sad do nothing but lets create a committee to look into things and waste loads of effort and energy but accomplish nothing type.
Or you could be a lets spend a small amount of energy and effort in getting your pc crunching and doing something really important and valuable type.
You choose.

Hear, hear, AB. :thumb:

Couldn't agree more. In the last few years I've lost six friends and family to various cancers so I concentrate all my crunching on the cancer projects. Even if it helps just a little bit I feel it's a worthwhile idea. I'll keep it going. :)
I didn't lose interest. I actually spend many hundreds of £'s buliding a server filled with machines crunching 24/7 for many many months. Eventually I sold them all

I just can't afford to leave my PC's on anymore.
Hear hear, nicely expressed @Abarbarian. Collectively, even crunching for just a few hours each day, it's still possible to make a real difference. :nod:
Hear hear, nicely expressed @Abarbarian. Collectively, even crunching for just a few hours each day, it's still possible to make a real difference. :nod:

Exactly. You do not not chuck your coppers into a charity box because you can not chuck in a twenty pound note do you. You chuck your coppers in with the thought that every little helps or at least that was how I was brought up.

I didn't lose interest. I actually spend many hundreds of £'s buliding a server filled with machines crunching 24/7 for many many months. Eventually I sold them all

I just can't afford to leave my PC's on anymore.

An that was a fine effort an you should be proud of your achievements. Lets hope that finances will improve for you this year. :cool:
246 looks at the thread and only three respondents all of whom happen to be crunchers. :cool:
The team here at PCReview are doing sterling crunching for the WCG. It seems that our efforts are of great interest to the general public. If you follow the link below

you will see that over one thousand folk have looked at the threads. Several of the threads, admittedly a couple of years old generated interest in over two thousand folk.
It is obvious why, for the WCG does very valuable work in the cancer field and other important medical research fields.

What is puzzling is why on a almost regular basis nearly three hundred folk look at the Daily Statistics for the team.

Is crunching such a competitive task ?

Why on earth would you look at dull statistics if you are not involved in the effort ?

People are very strange they will spend time and effort reading about a very important and possibly life saving scheme but will not make the small effort needed to join in and help.
What a sad and sorry state of affairs. Especially sad when it is almost certain that every reader of those dry and dusty results knows someone with cancer.

For my part I am glad to help out in my own small way. I do not expect any medals or rewards other than hopefully finding new and effective ways to treat cancers and other diseases.
I am a pensioner living of a basic state pension and I do not begrudge the few pennies a day that my crunching efforts cost.
My rigg runs 24/7 apart from a few hours here and there when I turn crunching off temporarily to play some very demanding game. I have the crunching program running at 50% the rest of the time and it does not impact in any detrimental way with my daily net surfing, video streaming or any of the other tasks I do with my pc.

If every computer user in the UK and the rest of the world set their pc to crunch at 10% of its cpu output then important discoveries could be made in days or weeks instead of years or decades.

People will exert a great deal of hot air and effort reading and talking about changing the world but will not invest that same amount of effort or a great deal less in taking direct action that will show results.
As I said a sad and sorry state of affairs.

So if you have read this far and you do not belong to a crunching team you have a choice.
Carry on being a sad do nothing but lets create a committee to look into things and waste loads of effort and energy but accomplish nothing type.
Or you could be a lets spend a small amount of energy and effort in getting your pc crunching and doing something really important and valuable type.
You choose.

Totally agree with you AB.

I know this is an old post, but only came across WCG recently and started crunching. What you have said is 100% correct, our contribution maybe small, but the reward is immeasurable. My father passed away from cancer about 1.5 years ago, so any contribution to this medical field will hope to chip away finding that solution closer, and one day give us the cure for this dreaded disease.

I also leave my PC on 24/7 and basically have set the time between midnight and 6am everyday just to do the job.

Happy Crunching!!
Totally agree with you AB.

I know this is an old post, but only came across WCG recently and started crunching. What you have said is 100% correct, our contribution maybe small, but the reward is immeasurable. My father passed away from cancer about 1.5 years ago, so any contribution to this medical field will hope to chip away finding that solution closer, and one day give us the cure for this dreaded disease.

I also leave my PC on 24/7 and basically have set the time between midnight and 6am everyday just to do the job.

Happy Crunching!!

Hi there eden 188 and welcome to PCR. Are you crunching for our team or some other team ? Not that it matters as long as the numbers get crunched.
I have had to do a fresh install of me Arch pc and have not got around to installing Boinc on it yet, I will do eventually.

Well done the Debian team. I wonder if Microsoft have been doing something similar ?

"The Debian Med team has been taking part in the fight against COVID-19
by packaging software for researching the virus on the sequence level
and for fighting the pandemic with the tools used in epidemiology; this
work will continue with focus on machine learning tools for both fields.
The team's work with Quality Assurance and Continuous integration is
critical to the consistent reproducible results required in the
sciences. Debian Med Blend has a range of performance critical
applications which now benefit from SIMD Everywhere. To install packages
maintained by the Debian Med team, install the metapackages named med-*,"
which are at version 3.6.x."

I know the above is not directly concerned with the crunching team but I did not want to make a new thread and I thought it would fit in well here anyway. :nod:Plus it brings the crunching team into everyones thoughts again.
I am sure that the crunching teams efforts were of help in developing vaccinations for use against the Covid. I am grateful to the folk who developed the vaccines and have had my two shots and would like to say thanks to all who helped in their development and deployment. :bow::thumb::bow:
I am sure that the crunching teams efforts were of help in developing vaccinations for use against the Covid. I am grateful to the folk who developed the vaccines and have had my two shots and would like to say thanks to all who helped in their development and deployment. :bow::thumb::bow:

I'll go along with everything you say there, AB. :nod::thumb: