Robert Crandal
On my spreadsheet, I merged the cells N10, O10, and P10
into a single cell.
I then put the following code in my Worksheet_Change()
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
MsgBox CStr(Target.Address(0, 0))
End Sub
Now, if you enter data into cell N10 on the spreadsheet,
the message box will return with "N10". However, if you
DELETE the contents of cell N10, then the message box
will say "N10
10". Why is this?? How can I tell
the "Target" variable to just give me "N10" string???
(I guess I'm too lazy to write code that parses range
strings, haha)
into a single cell.
I then put the following code in my Worksheet_Change()
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
MsgBox CStr(Target.Address(0, 0))
End Sub
Now, if you enter data into cell N10 on the spreadsheet,
the message box will return with "N10". However, if you
DELETE the contents of cell N10, then the message box
will say "N10

the "Target" variable to just give me "N10" string???
(I guess I'm too lazy to write code that parses range
strings, haha)