I am using following line of code:
Range("M" & vTargetRow).Formula = _
"=IF(AND(""F" & vTargetRow = "Standard Desktop"",""G" & vTargetRow =
"Standard 17" & """" & " Monitor""),1,"")"
Instead displaying 1 if condition true or <blank> if false, it fill
TargetCell with "FALSE".
IF statemetn is fine if directely entered in Worksheet
(=IF(AND(F500="Standard Desktop",G500="Standard 17"&""""&" Monitor"),1,""))
Range("M" & vTargetRow).Formula = _
"=IF(AND(""F" & vTargetRow = "Standard Desktop"",""G" & vTargetRow =
"Standard 17" & """" & " Monitor""),1,"")"
Instead displaying 1 if condition true or <blank> if false, it fill
TargetCell with "FALSE".
IF statemetn is fine if directely entered in Worksheet
(=IF(AND(F500="Standard Desktop",G500="Standard 17"&""""&" Monitor"),1,""))