worksheet change macro activation

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Hi everybody,
nice to be here, it's my first post, hope somebody can help.

I have a worksheet change macro that from the insertion of date (dd/mm/hhhh) in a cell, fills some other cells with the day number, the week number, the month,...
Everything works fine when i fill one date after the other. But when I try to fill many cells with the same day by dragging the black cross at the right corner of the cell the macro is not activated.
Anyone knows how to activate a worksheet change macro by dragging the black cross as a mean to fill many consecutive cells in a column??

Thanks a lot to anybody who as a good idea about that!!
Hi everybody,

nice to be here, it's my first post, hope somebody can help.

I have a worksheet change macro that from the insertion of date (dd/mm/hhhh) in a cell, fills some other cells with the day number, the week number, the month,...

Everything works fine when i fill one date after the other. But when I try to fill many cells with the same day by dragging the black cross at the right corner of the cell the macro is not activated.

Anyone knows how to activate a worksheet change macro by dragging the black cross as a mean to fill many consecutive cells in a column??

Thanks a lot to anybody who as a good idea about that!!

As always, post YOUR code for comments and suggestions.
As always, post YOUR code for comments and suggestions.- Nascondi testo citato

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Thank you for your interest. I just didn't want to annoy you with the
whole code.

Once again: I insert a date in column E and the macro inserts some
data based on the date in other cells on the same row.
It works fine but if I want to autofill many cells in column E with
the same date by dragging the black cross on the right of the cell the
Worksheet_Change macro doesn't work.

Thanks again for your help!


Here's the code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("E:E")) Is Nothing Then
'a)controlla che la data inserita non sia inferiore a quella
precedente (ev. aggiungere altri ctrl plausib ?)
data = Target.Offset(-1, 0)
If Target.Value < data Then
MsgBox "data errata", vbOKOnly
With Target
..Value = ""
End With
End If
'b)se la data è il 1° lunedì colora la cella d'arancione, di giallo
ogni data del primo pz di un nuovo giorno
datalun = Weekday(Target, vbMonday)
If datalun = 1 Then
'se è il primo lunedì dopo una data precedente (altrimenti tutti i
lun. sono arancioni)
If Target > data Then
With Target.Offset.Interior
..ColorIndex = 45
..Pattern = xlSolid
End With
End If
End If
datalunprec = Weekday(Target.Offset(-1, 0), vbMonday)
If datalunprec < datalun Then
With Target.Offset.Interior
..ColorIndex = 27
..Pattern = xlSolid
End With
End If
'c)all'inserim. della data riempie gg in numerico e lettere,
settimana, mese, trim., sem. e anno
'c1) giorno numerico
Target.Offset(0, 21) = datalun
'c2) giorno lettere
'in alterntiva si potrebbe fare: Target.Offset(0, 21) = WeekdayName(1,
False, vbMonday)
Select Case datalun
Case "1"
Target.Offset(0, 22) = "Lunedì"
Case "2"
Target.Offset(0, 22) = "Martedì"
Case "3"
Target.Offset(0, 22) = "Mercoledì"
Case "4"
Target.Offset(0, 22) = "Giovedì"
Case "5"
Target.Offset(0, 22) = "Venerdì"
Case "6"
Target.Offset(0, 22) = "Sabato"
Case "7"
Target.Offset(0, 22) = "Domenica"
End Select
'c3)nr settimana
With Target.Offset(0, 23)
..FormulaR1C1 = "=WEEKNUM(RC[-23],2)-1"
'trasforma la formula in valore
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End With
Target.Offset(0, 1).Select
mese = Mid(Target, 4, 2)
Target.Offset(0, 24) = mese
'c5 mese in lettere
Select Case mese
Case "1"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Gennaio"
Case "2"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Febbraio"
Case "3"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Marzo"
Case "4"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Aprile"
Case "5"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Maggio"
Case "6"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Giugno"
Case "7"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Luglio"
Case "8"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Agosto"
Case "9"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Settembre"
Case "10"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Ottobre"
Case "11"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Novembre"
Case "12"
Target.Offset(0, 25) = "Dicembre"
End Select
'c6) trimestri
Select Case mese
Case "01", "02", "03"
Target.Offset(0, 26) = "1°" & " trim."
Case "04", "05", "06"
Target.Offset(0, 26) = "2°" & " trim."
Case "07", "08", "09"
Target.Offset(0, 26) = "3°" & " trim."
Case "10", "11", "12"
Target.Offset(0, 26) = "4°" & " trim."
End Select
'c7) semestri
Select Case mese
Case "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06"
Target.Offset(0, 27) = "1°" & " sem."
Case "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"
Target.Offset(0, 27) = "2°" & " sem."
End Select
'c8) anno
Target.Offset(0, 28) = Right(Target, 4)
'scendi di una cella
Target.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
End Sub
I agree with Don that you should show your code. The Change event works
with the active cell (or selection) by default, and so to effect the
other cells included in your drag-copy is not going to work as

You could try to preselect the range, enter the date and use Ctrl+Enter
to simultaneously populate all the selected cells at once. This may not
do what you want in your macro but it obviates the drag-copy operation
because it works for non-contiguous selections.

In your Change event you need to loop all cells in the Target address
so it does its thing for all *rows* selected. Something like...

Dim r As Range
For Each r in Target.Rows
' stuff
Next 'r


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Hi everybody,

nice to be here, it's my first post, hope somebody can help.

I have a worksheet change macro that from the insertion of date (dd/mm/hhhh) in a cell, fills some other cells with the day number, the week number, the month,...

Everything works fine when i fill one date after the other. But when I try to fill many cells with the same day by dragging the black cross at the right corner of the cell the macro is not activated.

Anyone knows how to activate a worksheet change macro by dragging the black cross as a mean to fill many consecutive cells in a column??

Thanks a lot to anybody who as a good idea about that!!

I just tested a modified version of your code and it worked so I suspect you have an IF wrong somewhere. Try it like this to exit if not the column

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Columns("e")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Target.Offset(, 2) = 1
End Sub