Works Suite 2003



I recently bought a new computer that came with Vista; Had majoy problems and
had to re-install the Vista and in the process lost lots of programs. Does
anyone know if I can Install my Works Suite 2003 with my Vista? Is there a
patch or such that would allow me to do this? I'm a 70 year old computer
novice and need all the help I can get......Thanks

Andrew McLaren

Lil'' Granny said:
I recently bought a new computer that came with Vista; Had majoy problems
had to re-install the Vista and in the process lost lots of programs.
anyone know if I can Install my Works Suite 2003 with my Vista? Is there a
patch or such that would allow me to do this? I'm a 70 year old computer

Hi Gran,

Strangely enough, I have Works 2003 installed on one of my Vista machines.
My Dad used to use Works; so I kept a copy on hand, to help him out with

Some things work on Vista, and some things don't. Works' word processor,
spreadsheet and database are fine; likewise the links to Address Book,
Windows Mail etc. The main issue I've encountered is anything which uses
Works' "Project" tool. On Vista, Project needs to run "as Administrator" -
otherwise, it cannot save any info you add or change in a project. There may
be a few workarounds, but I haven't found them yet (I haven't looked that
hard; but I doubt they would be easy or convenient, anyway).

If you don't run any Works tasks which use Project, you should be fine.
Unfortunately a lot of the pre-packaged Tasks do, in fact, run Works Project
in the background; so you could see some problems.

If you like, just install Works Suite 2003 on your Vista machine and try it
out. If you can do everything you need - hey, problem solved! Mainstream
support for Works Suite 2003 ended in Septeber 2005; so, you won't be able
to get any tech support from Microsoft for problems you may encounter. If
you find you can't use Works 2003 on Vitsa the way you want, you might
decide to upgarde to Works 9 - which *is* fully tested and supported, on
Windows Vista. I'm not sure if upgrades are still available, but it should
be fairly inexpensive to purchase anyway. Uninstall Works 2003, then install
the new version.

Hope it helps! Good luck,

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