Works 6.0

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roger
  • Start date Start date


I bought the Home XP edition with the Works 6.0
The Works was removed or deleted, how can I reinstall
it? I've tried using the Emachine recovery disc and it
does not put it back on there. Am I at a total loss or
do I have to buy the software at the store in order to
restore it??

The eMachine Recovery Disc will only restore Windows XP.
If Works was preinstalled on your PC, then contact eMachine
support and request a Works installation CD replacement and
the Product Key so you may reinstall it.

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


|I bought the Home XP edition with the Works 6.0
| The Works was removed or deleted, how can I reinstall
| it? I've tried using the Emachine recovery disc and it
| does not put it back on there. Am I at a total loss or
| do I have to buy the software at the store in order to
| restore it??
| Roger
I bought the Home XP edition with the Works 6.0
The Works was removed or deleted, how can I reinstall
it? I've tried using the Emachine recovery disc and it
does not put it back on there. Am I at a total loss or
do I have to buy the software at the store in order to
restore it??


Unless Emachines provided a disk with Works 6 on it, I'm afraid you're
out of luck. However, there are several good free replacements that
you can download and install. You might consider Open Office: It includes everything that Works had.

Or 602 Office Suite which includes a Word like word processor and an
Excel like spreadsheet. Also a Photo editing program. Very nice.