Working with tab control

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Working on a kennel database for myself. I have set up a form with owner
info & subform with dog(s) information. Is there a relativily simple way to
set up a tab contol form where each tab page shows a different dog.
For instance I have my name as owner. I wanted the form to show Crickett,
Ready, etc on the tabs. This way I can easily see the dogs an owner has &
click on the tab & all the dogs info shows up.

Thanks...This forum has help me out tramendously....
well, you could probably set up a tab control with a large set of pages, and
then dynamically control how many tabs are displayed, according to how many
dog records are associated with each owner record. then simply use one
subform, "behind" the tab control, to show the data for whichever dog's tab
is clicked.

it would take a fair amount of Q&A in this forum for me to detail the above
suggested solution including the code, and i'm afraid i haven't the time
today. if you'd like a demo of the solution, you're welcome to send me a
copy (sans proprietary data) of your database; i can set up the solution and
send it back so you can see how it works. if you'd like to do that, post
back and i'll give you my email address.


I can follow an example if I was able to see one. I am not sure what info
you need or what the term (sans proprietary data) means.

For my operation a owner may have anywere from 1 to 4 dogs. (We are a
training facility for working retrievers, not a boarding facility.)

I have been building the database for a few months, so the information I
have is minimal, plus I am learning access at the same time.

Let me know what you need? If I can just be pointed in the right direction.
I have been working with expressions, but writing code sql is over my head
at the moment.
"sans proprietary data" means remove any proprietary data such as customer
names, addresses, phone numbers, etc from the copy of the db, before sending
it to me (or anyone else). remember that you don't know any of us here in
the newsgroups; we're not employees of, or associated with, Microsoft -
we're just ordinary people like yourself. so you don't want to take private
information that you've been entrusted with, and pass it on to a total

a few "dummy" records in the tables would help, so i can test the solution.
you can get my email address at follow the "decode"
instructions for the Example, and also change the 2 in the email address to
a 1.
