working with northwind template

  • Thread starter Thread starter silverton
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I am trying to use the northwind template and need to know how to edit the
data that comes with the template to put in mine. I have been able to edit
the logo and name on the forms but in, for example, the inventory list- I
can't delete the products listed.
There are some rules about deleting data.
When there is a relationship between 2 tables, any child records in the
child table must be deleted before the parent records can be deleted.

When you try to delete inventory transactions in northwind, you get a
message telling that you can't delete because there are related records
in the table called Purchase Order Details.
That means, you need to delete the data in the Purchase Order Details table
before you can delete the data in the Inventory Transactions table.

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia
Thanks for the reply. I am still having issues with deleting items in many of
the lists. Why isn't there a delete option for these tables? I was able to
remove employees but that's it. I did delete purchase order records and still
can't delete inventory transactions.
silverton said:
Thanks for the reply. I am still having issues with deleting items in many of
the lists. Why isn't there a delete option for these tables? I was able to
remove employees but that's it. I did delete purchase order records and still
can't delete inventory transactions.


Working from a "copy" of Northwind you could copy and paste the table
“structure only“just rename the copy of the table with a _ after the name.
Once you have done that to ALL the tables you then delete the all the tables
without the underscore _ Access will ask if you want to break the
relationships just answer yes. You now can just delete all the trailing _
after the table names. Next open the original Northwind and set the
relationships on your copy exactly the way the original is.

When you are stopped from deleting data in a table, there is an error
message that tells you which table is causing the problem
That way you know which table to delete from next.
There are quite a few tables related to inventory transactions, you will
need to delete data from quite a few of them before you can delete the data
from the inventory transactions table.

Because access always gives you a message with the name of the table withe
related records, you always will know which table to delete from.
Yes, I suppose it would be handy to have a button which clears out Northwind

Jeanette Cunningham MS Access MVP -- Melbourne Victoria Australia
I am attempting to change the inventory list within the Form Inventory List. I have obviously missed something, not sure what. I still cant change the form inventory list. Any help is appreciated.....thanks