Working with Dates! Plz help!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tiago \(MSN\)
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Tiago \(MSN\)

How's it going guys ?!

yeah... I'm struggling to code some kind of calendar to a friend o'mine,
it's like an Hour Bank, where he puts his job hours and dates ...

So I came up with some interface, which he decided to accept.

That's fine till now... Okay, now here is the problem:

I'm using a MonthlyCalendar in order to pick up dates.

I need to find a better way to calculate the difference in hour between 2

so I came up with this really ugly lines...

Public Sub InsereVariasDatas()

Dim cString As String = "MyConnStr"
Dim Conn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(cString)
Dim HoraEntrada As Date = frmAddVariosCompromissos.mebEnt.Text
Dim HoraSaida As Date = frmAddVariosCompromissos.mebSaida.Text
Dim HoraBrake As Date = frmAddVariosCompromissos.medBrake.Text
Dim TotHoras As Date
Dim Dif_SemBrake As TimeSpan =
Dim GanhosDia As Double
Dim FatHoras As Double

If frmAddCompromissoUnico.chkBrake.Checked = True Then
Dim Dif_ComBrake As TimeSpan
Dim hB As Date = Dif_SemBrake.ToString

Dif_ComBrake = hB.Subtract(HoraBrake)
FatHoras = Dif_ComBrake.Hours & "," & Dif_ComBrake.Minutes
GanhosDia = My.Settings.sValHora * FatHoras
TotHoras = Dif_ComBrake.ToString
FatHoras = Dif_SemBrake.Hours & "," & Dif_SemBrake.Minutes
GanhosDia = My.Settings.sValHora * FatHoras
TotHoras = Dif_SemBrake.ToString
End If


Dim DataA As TimeSpan =
Dim DifRangeA As Integer = DataA.TotalDays.ToString
Dim DataAtual As String

For i = 0 To DifRangeA

Dim data As Date =
(frmCFmain.mcMain.SelectionRange.Start.Day + i) & _
"/" & _
& _
"/" & _

DataAtual = data.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")

Dim qString As String = "INSERT INTO BancoHoras ([LocalID],
Data, HoraEntrada, HoraSaida, TempoBrake, TotalHoras, GanhosDia)" & _
"VALUES ('" & My.Settings.idLocal &
"', #" & DataAtual & "#, #" & HoraEntrada & "#, #" & HoraSaida & "#, #" & _
HoraBrake & "#, #" & TotHoras
& "#, '" & GanhosDia & "')"

Dim Comm As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(qString, Conn)
Dim iC As Integer = Comm.ExecuteNonQuery()
Next i

MessageBox.Show("Dados inseridos com sucesso!", "Confirmação",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

And this is the Bold Dates routine:

Public Sub BoldDatas()

Dim cString As String = "MyConnStr"
Dim Conn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(cString)
Dim qString As String = "SELECT Data FROM BancoHoras"
Dim DataAdapater As OleDbDataAdapter = New
OleDbDataAdapter(qString, Conn)
Dim DS As DataSet = New DataSet()
Dim Table As DataTable

DataAdapater.Fill(DS, "Datas")
Table = DS.Tables("Datas")
Dim totLinha As Integer = Table.Rows.Count
Dim Data As Date
For i As Integer = 0 To (totLinha - 1)
Data = Table.Rows(i).Item("Data")
'Data = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

If you could help me Bold the dates in the MonthlyCalendar and how to
calculate the time between 2 dates, I need to calculate the diference of two
hours on the same day, so if he goes in at 21:00 and goes out 06:00 then it
would be a 08:00 difference!

Ok ?!

Thank you very much for reading this post and I would really love to be
guided by you people!


Tiago Trentini

Fist set "Option Strict on" in top of your page, then you probably see a
lot of errors.

Don't be afraid to reduce your program if it shows errors, because you use
the right elements but I think you have been busy to correct errors, but did
not remove the wrong code. Don't always add, also look if there is maybe
something to much.

However, now you don't know if this code gives the right result (probably

By instance this code is most probably incorrect (I don't know if the late
binding as that is called correct this).

Dim HoraEntrada As Date = frmAddVariosCompromissos.mebEnt.Text

There are much posibilities to do this in a right way. The most easiest is
then in my idea

Dim HoraEntrada As DateTime = CDate(mebEnt.Text)


Tiago (MSN) said:
How's it going guys ?!

yeah... I'm struggling to code some kind of calendar to a friend o'mine,
it's like an Hour Bank, where he puts his job hours and dates ...

So I came up with some interface, which he decided to accept.

That's fine till now... Okay, now here is the problem:

I'm using a MonthlyCalendar in order to pick up dates.

I need to find a better way to calculate the difference in hour between 2

so I came up with this really ugly lines...

Public Sub InsereVariasDatas()

Dim cString As String = "MyConnStr"
Dim Conn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(cString)
Dim HoraEntrada As Date = frmAddVariosCompromissos.mebEnt.Text
Dim HoraSaida As Date = frmAddVariosCompromissos.mebSaida.Text
Dim HoraBrake As Date = frmAddVariosCompromissos.medBrake.Text
Dim TotHoras As Date
Dim Dif_SemBrake As TimeSpan =
Dim GanhosDia As Double
Dim FatHoras As Double

If frmAddCompromissoUnico.chkBrake.Checked = True Then
Dim Dif_ComBrake As TimeSpan
Dim hB As Date = Dif_SemBrake.ToString

Dif_ComBrake = hB.Subtract(HoraBrake)
FatHoras = Dif_ComBrake.Hours & "," & Dif_ComBrake.Minutes
GanhosDia = My.Settings.sValHora * FatHoras
TotHoras = Dif_ComBrake.ToString
FatHoras = Dif_SemBrake.Hours & "," & Dif_SemBrake.Minutes
GanhosDia = My.Settings.sValHora * FatHoras
TotHoras = Dif_SemBrake.ToString
End If


Dim DataA As TimeSpan =
Dim DifRangeA As Integer = DataA.TotalDays.ToString
Dim DataAtual As String

For i = 0 To DifRangeA

Dim data As Date =
(frmCFmain.mcMain.SelectionRange.Start.Day + i) & _
"/" & _

frmCFmain.mcMain.SelectionRange.Start.Month & _
"/" & _


DataAtual = data.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")

Dim qString As String = "INSERT INTO BancoHoras ([LocalID],
Data, HoraEntrada, HoraSaida, TempoBrake, TotalHoras, GanhosDia)" & _
"VALUES ('" & My.Settings.idLocal &
"', #" & DataAtual & "#, #" & HoraEntrada & "#, #" & HoraSaida & "#, #" &
HoraBrake & "#, #" &
TotHoras & "#, '" & GanhosDia & "')"

Dim Comm As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(qString, Conn)
Dim iC As Integer = Comm.ExecuteNonQuery()
Next i

MessageBox.Show("Dados inseridos com sucesso!", "Confirmação",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

And this is the Bold Dates routine:

Public Sub BoldDatas()

Dim cString As String = "MyConnStr"
Dim Conn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(cString)
Dim qString As String = "SELECT Data FROM BancoHoras"
Dim DataAdapater As OleDbDataAdapter = New
OleDbDataAdapter(qString, Conn)
Dim DS As DataSet = New DataSet()
Dim Table As DataTable

DataAdapater.Fill(DS, "Datas")
Table = DS.Tables("Datas")
Dim totLinha As Integer = Table.Rows.Count
Dim Data As Date
For i As Integer = 0 To (totLinha - 1)
Data = Table.Rows(i).Item("Data")
'Data = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

If you could help me Bold the dates in the MonthlyCalendar and how to
calculate the time between 2 dates, I need to calculate the diference of
two hours on the same day, so if he goes in at 21:00 and goes out 06:00
then it would be a 08:00 difference!

Ok ?!

Thank you very much for reading this post and I would really love to be
guided by you people!


Tiago Trentini