Working Driver version for ATI MMC

  • Thread starter Thread starter pjayant
  • Start date Start date


With the Radeon 8500 DV video card and XP on my computer, I get most of
the functionality of MMC, except the TV Tuner ( I get only Video-In
with Composite/S-Video connection) and the Control Panel. I have
followed the procedure of uninstalling of all ATI drivers first and
re0installing them in the corrrect sequence and re-booting only at the
specified steps. So what I need to check is the correct driver version
numbers. Only the TV Tuner driver has a yellow tag attached and the
ATI Control Panel though listed in the Add/Remove Program List, does
not have any icon on the desktop.

Could any correspondent of this NewsGroup share with me information on
the versions of drivers for the TV Tuner and the ATI Control Panel
which are working? I can then try and download the correct set of

P, Jayant
With the Radeon 8500 DV video card and XP on my computer, I get most of
the functionality of MMC, except the TV Tuner ( I get only Video-In
with Composite/S-Video connection) and the Control Panel. I have
followed the procedure of uninstalling of all ATI drivers first and
re0installing them in the corrrect sequence and re-booting only at the
specified steps. So what I need to check is the correct driver version
numbers. Only the TV Tuner driver has a yellow tag attached and the
ATI Control Panel though listed in the Add/Remove Program List, does
not have any icon on the desktop.

Could any correspondent of this NewsGroup share with me information on
the versions of drivers for the TV Tuner and the ATI Control Panel
which are working? I can then try and download the correct set of

P, Jayant

Please, please, P Jayant, try responding to posts in threads that you
start, rather than ignoring the answers you're given and posting anew.
It's rude, and it gives people who respond to you no opportunity to
find out what the effect of trying their advice has been - thus, you
put them in a position where they can only see the pointlessness of
giving you further advice. In addition, it means that others
responding to your posts will not see the previous responses and will
simply repeat previous advice.

You said earlier that you had updated to DirectX 9.0c Do you mean
that the tuner is still broken under DX9.0c? And have you made sure
that you installed the capture driver? The fact that you say the TV
tuner is broken and you don't have the Control Panel suggests you've
installed only the display driver rather than an all-in-one driver set
or the display driver, capture driver and Control Panel separately.

If you do have an appropriate capture driver installed, as well as DX
9.0c, this suggests the tuner on your card may be physically damaged:
I understand (although I've never had one) the 8500 DV AIW with the
digital tuner does get hot, and the tuner chip could be affected if
enough heat builds up.

Do you understand any of this? Your continual posting of the same
problem again and again with no feedback to the responses suggests you
may be having a problem understanding them. If so, you should say so,
and we'll try to help.

If you don't do that we'll have to assume you're just deliberately
being rude or even posting just to get a rise out of people - that's
called trolling and is not popular round here.


<[email protected]> - take five to email me...
I have to raise new queries only because I do not get the answer to the
question which was once available on the ATI Driver download site.
Which Catalyst set goes with which version of MMC? For example, with
your sermon on the etiquettes of Internet, you have still not told me
which range of Catalyst drivers works for MMC Until the time I
find it out, I have to tenaciously live with the insults I receive in
my search.

The other reason is that with limited messages shown in the O.E.6 my
previous message and its responses are lost when I open the next time.
I then have to go either via the Google Groups route to search my
message and the responses or start a new thread.

So my apologies to veteran experts like you. Only those who have to
with slow dial-up links would know what a job it is to search old
or drivers on the Internet. May be, in your thinking, those with
resources should forget all video capture and TV tuning and all such
faluting things and just do word processing and spreadsheets. I did not
want to narrate to correspondents of this NewsGroup about the travails
of those with limited internet resources but you have made me do that.

Thanks for your sermon, anyway.

P. Jayant
Hi, P.

I can't help with your basic problem. I'm still trying to get my AIW 9600
to show me TV on my AMD 64 computer running WinXP Pro x64. It works fine
when I dual-boot into 32-bit WinXP, but every time I install MMC 9.08 (over
5.6 or 5.7 drivers) and try to run TV, I get a message that it "seems" that
MMC is not installed and I should reinstall it. :>(

But I think I can help with this problem:
The other reason is that with limited messages shown in the O.E.6 my
previous message and its responses are lost when I open the next time.
I then have to go either via the Google Groups route to search my
earlier message and the responses or start a new thread.

You can change many things about OE6. Click Tools | Options... and explore
the settings on the various tabs. On the Read tab, the default is to
Download 300 headers at a time. On an active NG like this one, there are
many more messages than that most days. If you change that to 1,000 (the
most allowed) and check in daily, you should not miss many. You can uncheck
the box and get ALL the new messages, but be prepared for a long wait the
first time (even on broadband). After you get the backlog, daily updates
won't take so long.

Another setting is on the Maintenance tab. I've forgotten what the default
number was in the line to Delete news messages ___ days after being
downloaded. I long ago changed that number (was it 5?) to 32 days, so I
keep them for a month after I get them. In switching to WinXP x64, I had to
re-subscribe and re-download everything. So I now have over 58,000 messages
in this NG, going back to 6/26/03! (Your own ISP and news server will
determine how much backlog is available to you for download. The 32 days is
how long the messages stay on my own HD after I downloaded them; in a couple
of weeks, my personal backlog should drop to just the latest month's posts -
unless I have to re-subscribe again.

When I click the header for the From column in the list of messages, I see 5
threads started by "pjayant"; they were started on 6/23/05, 6/25/05,
6/30/05, 7/11/05 and this one, on 7/15/05. Each thread shows at least one
response from patrickp, but only the first and last (this one) show further
posts from pjayant. All those are well within the past 30 days, so
adjusting your personal backlog setting on the Maintenance tab might have
allowed you to keep them all. Since OE probably has already deleted them
from your HD, you may need to download them again by adjusting the number on
the Read tab.
I did not
want to narrate to correspondents of this NewsGroup about the travails
of those with limited internet resources but you have made me do that.

Before I got broadband, I was even more motivated to explore all the helpful
settings available to me in OE. ;^} For lots more help with OE, check MVP
Tom Koch's webpage:

Cat 3.1

R. C. White said:
Hi, P.

I can't help with your basic problem. I'm still trying to get my AIW 9600
to show me TV on my AMD 64 computer running WinXP Pro x64. It works fine
when I dual-boot into 32-bit WinXP, but every time I install MMC 9.08
(over 5.6 or 5.7 drivers) and try to run TV, I get a message that it
"seems" that MMC is not installed and I should reinstall it. :>(

But I think I can help with this problem:

You can change many things about OE6. Click Tools | Options... and
explore the settings on the various tabs. On the Read tab, the default is
to Download 300 headers at a time. On an active NG like this one, there
are many more messages than that most days. If you change that to 1,000
(the most allowed) and check in daily, you should not miss many. You can
uncheck the box and get ALL the new messages, but be prepared for a long
wait the first time (even on broadband). After you get the backlog, daily
updates won't take so long.

Another setting is on the Maintenance tab. I've forgotten what the
default number was in the line to Delete news messages ___ days after
being downloaded. I long ago changed that number (was it 5?) to 32 days,
so I keep them for a month after I get them. In switching to WinXP x64, I
had to re-subscribe and re-download everything. So I now have over 58,000
messages in this NG, going back to 6/26/03! (Your own ISP and news server
will determine how much backlog is available to you for download. The 32
days is how long the messages stay on my own HD after I downloaded them;
in a couple of weeks, my personal backlog should drop to just the latest
month's posts - unless I have to re-subscribe again.

When I click the header for the From column in the list of messages, I see
5 threads started by "pjayant"; they were started on 6/23/05, 6/25/05,
6/30/05, 7/11/05 and this one, on 7/15/05. Each thread shows at least one
response from patrickp, but only the first and last (this one) show
further posts from pjayant. All those are well within the past 30 days,
so adjusting your personal backlog setting on the Maintenance tab might
have allowed you to keep them all. Since OE probably has already deleted
them from your HD, you may need to download them again by adjusting the
number on the Read tab.

Before I got broadband, I was even more motivated to explore all the
helpful settings available to me in OE. ;^} For lots more help with OE,
check MVP Tom Koch's webpage:

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
I have to raise new queries only because I do not get the answer to the
question which was once available on the ATI Driver download site.
Which Catalyst set goes with which version of MMC? For example, with
your sermon on the etiquettes of Internet, you have still not told me
which range of Catalyst drivers works for MMC Until the time I
find it out, I have to tenaciously live with the insults I receive in
my search.

And that was answered both by myself and someone else after your first
(IIRC) post - you should be able to use most of the Catalyst drivers
up to 4.12 with MMC Certainly any up to 3.10 - I'm running
Catalyst 3.8 with MMC on my other PC right now - and watching
TV with it, on an older card than yours, a Radeon 7200.

The' insults' were an attempt to get you to respond - and you finally
have. Unfortunately, there is a marked lack of psychics in these
groups, so you have to respond to our posts to help us to help you.

For instance, you've mentioned a couple of times that your TV device
shows up as not working in Device Manager, or so I would understand it
from your previous posts. This is nothing to do with MMC; nor is it
to do with which Catalyst driver you have installed - it's to do with
which components you have installed of that driver, and/or a possible
physical problem with your tuner.

Until that's fixed, _no_ TV app of any version of MMC will work, so
there's not much point in my repeating advice on that until it _is_
sorted. That's why I was trying to get you to respond about your
DirectX version, because DX 9.0b is now well known to 'break' tuners,
and until that was sorted out we wouldn't be able to get past that

The other reason is that with limited messages shown in the O.E.6 my
previous message and its responses are lost when I open the next time.
I then have to go either via the Google Groups route to search my
message and the responses or start a new thread.

See R. C. White's response to your post in this thread, although a
better idea might be to use a dedicated newsreader like Free Agent,
from There again, if you
had responded that you were having trouble with reading posts, we
could have helped; if you don't respond, we can't.

It's also possible that your news provider has very poor retention
(i.e. doesn't keep messages on the server very long - most providers
will keep messages from, say, this group for a few months, at least)
or doesn't get them all. If either of those is true, it would be well
worth your while looking for a better provider, particularly if you
want to use newsgroups much for help.
So my apologies to veteran experts like you. Only those who have to
with slow dial-up links would know what a job it is to search old
or drivers on the Internet.

I've only had broadband for about 2 or 3 years now; until it became
available, I was stuck on dial-up, too. I can tell you that getting a
good modem makes a considerable difference on dial-up, particularly
with a lower end machine. This is because most of the modems you get
are 'software' ones - that is, they rely on your processor to run them
- rather than 'hardware' ones which do their own processing. On the
one hand, they don't slow your system down, and on the other, they
don't get slowed down themselves when your system's busy. There are a
couple of good dial-up modem newsgroups where you can get a lot of
good advice on optimising your dial-up connection; unfortunately, I
can't remember which ones offhand.

May be, in your thinking, those with
resources should forget all video capture and TV tuning and all such
faluting things and just do word processing and spreadsheets. I did not
want to narrate to correspondents of this NewsGroup about the travails
of those with limited internet resources but you have made me do that.

As I've said, I'm running MMC on one of my machines; and it's
not a terrifically high end one, although I would have to admit that
it's on a broadband connection. The videocard it has, for instance,
is older than yours.

Thanks for your sermon, anyway.

What sermon? I'm trying to _help_ you. If you don't respond to our
attempts to help, there's not much we can do - and if you have
problems reading posts, _we don't know until you tell us_.
P. Jayant

<[email protected]> - take five to email me...