OK, here's what I got going on: Our 5 desktop computers
all connect to the Internet via a hub that's hooked up to
a DSL line. They connect great, but right now I'm trying
to network them all. Here's the low-down: I got 2
systems running XP Pro, 2 systems running 2000, and one
running Millennium. They're all listed under the same
workgroup and all have unique network IDs. The 2000's
and XP's see each other just fine and can share and all
that stuff no problem. The Millennium can see all the
other computers in the workgroup, it can access their
shared resources and all that other good stuff. But for
some reason, the XP's don't see the Millennium although
the Millennium can see them and it can use their
resources. Keep that in mind, the 2000's see the
Millennium A_OK and it can use its resources, but XP's
don't see it in the workgroup. I've already loaded the
IPX/SPX-compatible protocol on all the said computers and
have taken the measures to enable file & printer sharing
and all that. What next?
- Rick
all connect to the Internet via a hub that's hooked up to
a DSL line. They connect great, but right now I'm trying
to network them all. Here's the low-down: I got 2
systems running XP Pro, 2 systems running 2000, and one
running Millennium. They're all listed under the same
workgroup and all have unique network IDs. The 2000's
and XP's see each other just fine and can share and all
that stuff no problem. The Millennium can see all the
other computers in the workgroup, it can access their
shared resources and all that other good stuff. But for
some reason, the XP's don't see the Millennium although
the Millennium can see them and it can use their
resources. Keep that in mind, the 2000's see the
Millennium A_OK and it can use its resources, but XP's
don't see it in the workgroup. I've already loaded the
IPX/SPX-compatible protocol on all the said computers and
have taken the measures to enable file & printer sharing
and all that. What next?
- Rick